Izabella and Ane have both worked on projects independently, for Ane Theatre Festivals in Romania, for Izabella - Gallery 34 in Bucharest.
Sacrificium is a documentary based performance from two Romanian students of Coventry University: Izabella Lészay and Ane Marie. In a dark comedy that merges theatre with Opera singing, Isabella and Ane recount the story of Erzsébeth Lészay (Izabella’s Aunt) who worked as a pianist before communism but now finds herself working as a vegetable seller.
Sacrificium is a performance about the fight to be free in mind and decisions. A political piece bringing into question the idea of minorities, human rights and personal/national freedom.
Izabella and Ane have both worked on projects independently, for Ane Theatre Festivals in Romania as well as short movie festivals, for Izabella Gallery 34 in Bucharest and the international performance festival Iasi. They have now come together through the Theatre and Professional Practice course at Coventry University over similar interests and ambitions.
This will be Izabella and Ane’s first collaborative project, and they can not wait to make their professional debut as part of Shoot Festival 2016.