Have your say…
A survey for the cultural sector of Coventry and Warwickshire.
See below for further information.
We are in Phase One of developing a new online system for Coventry and Warwickshire’s cultural sector to better connect, share resources and raise awareness about the abundance of creativity here. No matter what artform, no matter what point in your career, no matter whether you are salaried or freelance, we need your perspective to make this the best it can be…
Fill out the survey below to inform what we as a region want this system to do, be, become. This initial survey will close on Mon 1st July at 11:59pm.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey and inform a future asset for the mighty CV.
If you have any access requirements which form a barrier to completing this survey and would like to respond to it in a different way please contact Paul on paul@coventryshootfestival.com
Input in Person:
Pandora and Paul, the organisers leading this project will be hosting a session at the next F13 Artist Network at The Nest, Daimler Powerhouse on 21st June. If you are a creative of Coventry and Warwickshire you are welcome to attend, ask questions and feed in your thoughts about what this might become.
It is also just a great place to meet other creatives in the area.
Information about F13:
Every other month, F13 network meetings at The Nest are open to all locally-based independent artists and creative practitioners in all disciplines (whether freelance or from small organisations). These gatherings are a great chance to connect with other artists and creative practitioners locally, collectively explore issues affecting the sector, share projects you are working on and find out what’s happening (at what has been dubbed ‘the Plugfest‘) and/or take advantage of the Hive Mind part of the meeting to ask for ideas/advice/opinions to help you with your creative challenge (or offer your ideas to help others with theirs). Convened by Talking Birds, the meetings are friendly and informal and all are welcome. We provide tea/coffee and, occasionally, cake.
Please BOOK A PLACE so Talking Birds can make sure they have enough chairs and refreshments! And join Talking Birds’ emailing list and tick the F13 box to receive meeting dates and minutes.
Getting to The Nest: https://talkingbirds.co.uk/how-to-find-the-nest/
What 3 Words link birds.poems.online